10 March 2008

Rideout SUCKS

We had to take dad to the emergency room yesterday. He couldn't breathe and his mouth was blue. We had to wait 40 minutes before they would see him. They took in kids with colds and made my dad wait.

He was admitted. The doctors say he has congestive heart failure. We are going to take him to a real hospital tomorrow morning. UCDavis in Woodland. Dad has insurance no problems.

This town SUCKS. I hate these people. Even the ones who've been to college still act like trailer trash. It's as though the valley attracts the dumbest brain dead alcohol-marinated rednecks in the country.

If you need emergency help don't bother to take your family to Rideout Memorial Hospital. You're better off driving the extra 30 minutes to go to Woodland.

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